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Teen Registration 2024-25


Welcome to another exciting year of teen programming at RSNS! We offer a LOT of options for your teens! Please read the descriptions below carefully, and sign up for the ones that fit your teen's grade and interest! The ONLY programs that require advance payment with your registration are Rosh Hodesh, Bros' Hodesh, and Israel for Teen Families.

Any questions, please feel free to reach out to Cantor Eric, Rabbi Jodie, or Morah Rebecca!

Adopt-A-Survivor, grade 8 only: Through a series of meetings held at RSNS under Rabbi Jodie’s supervision, students become “surrogate survivors” to a network of Holocaust survivors and 2nd generation survivors, and commit to learning and retelling their survivors’ story to the next generation. Students in this program agree to speak about their survivors in the year 2045, the 100th anniversary of the camps’ liberation.
Please click here to get more information and to register! Meetings are held at RSNS from 6-7:30 p.m. one Wednesday a month (plus additional prep sessions in the spring), and families will take turns providing food for each session. Parents are welcome, but not required to attend. Dates: 9/11 (Introduction), 9/25 (History), 10/16, 11/13, 12/11, 1/22, 2/12 (Survivor Interview), 3/12 (Debrief and Organize Presentations), 3/26 (Rehearsal in sanctuary), 4/9 (Rehearsal in sanctuary), 4/22 (Tuesday - Presentation during Synagogue School Yom HaShoah), 4/23 (Presentation during Congregational YomHaShoah service)

Madrichim (school aides), grades 8-12: Each of our madrichim is a blessing to our RSNS community. Having teenage role models working with our youth is what infuses our teachers and students with love and passion for the Jewish people. In addition to working in our classrooms, the Madrichim program involves monthly meetings where we share our experiences, learn from each other, and engage in meaningful discussions surrounding identity, teaching, and community building. The madrichim are essential to the success of our school. Plus, it's a whole lot of fun! Please click here to get more information and to sign up to be a Madrich/a. In-person monthly meetings at RSNS on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Pizza will be served! Dates: Thursday 9/5 7-8pm (Mandatory Meeting), Tuesdays: 10/8, 11/12, 12/10, 1/7/25, 2/11, 3/18, 4/8, 5/6.

Kesher Hadash (RSNS Teen Youth Group!), grades 8-12: Kesher Hadash means “New Connections” - it's the RSNS Teen Youth Group! All teens are invited to join us for one event each month - trips, outings, social action, and creative Jewish experiences - tons of fun ways to connect to your Judaism, help the world, and be with friends old and new! Kesher Hadash events at RSNS are free, and “pay as you go” when off-site. Pick the events that look good to you, and come whenever you can! Most events will be on weekends.

Rosh Hodesh (Girls’ Group), grades 8-12, $250 ($450 for non-members) for 9 sessions plus a final dinner: This wonderful program, based on the Jewish tradition of women’s New Moon celebrations, builds self-esteem, Jewish identity, leadership skills and friendship networks of adolescent girls. The monthly meetings provide a supportive environment where girls can explore the social and cultural issues they encounter as they become adults - and derive their own authentic Jewish values in response to the challenges they face. The small groups are designed to provide an empowering setting in which girls can support each other in growing and learning while having lots of fun, with a participatory mix of discussing issues, traditions, and role models; making crafts and writing stories, rejoicing with song and dance, socializing, and munching. Consistent participation is necessary for group bonding. Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00pm, dinner included. Dates: 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/10, 1/14, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/13, 6/10 (final dinner)

Bro’s Hodesh (Boys’ Group), grades 8-12, $250 ($450 for non-members) for 9 sessions plus a final dinner: Being a guy is not always so simple. In this boys-only group, we’ll take an opportunity to explore what being a man - and more specifically, a JEWISH man - means, and what we can learn about ourselves and each other. Through activities, games, popular culture, food, discussions, and group experience, we’ll bond, work through tough questions together, and have a ton of fun! Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm, dinner included. Dates: 9/24, 10/22, 11/26, 12/17, 1/21, 2/11, 3/18, 4/29, 5/27, 6/17 (final dinner)

Tzelem (Jewish Trans, Non-binary, Gender fluid or Gender questioning Group), grades 8-12: Run by Keshet and the fabulous educators at Moving Traditions who created the Rosh Hodesh and Boys’ Group programs! To register for the NYC, South Shore LI or online monthly group, or to find out more info, click here

Israel for Teen Families, teens grades 9-11 and their parents ($40 per family): To get a head-start on preparing our high schoolers for their encounters on campus, Cantor Eric leads a two-year program for teens & their families. One year focuses on Israel, and the other on Anti-Semitism. This year, over the course of three sessions, teens and their parents will engage with Israel - its history, politics, and current issues. Cantor Eric will lead essential conversations on Israel in popular culture, social media, politics, and on college campuses. $40 per family covers all three sessions. Three Thursdays, 6:30-8pm, dinner included.
11/21, 1/30, 3/27

Better Together, grades 9-12: Our high school students will meet one Sunday a month with RSNS adult seniors, plus Cantor Eric or Morah Rebecca. Teens and seniors will engage in an interactive curriculum with a different topic each month, as they get to know each other’s stories, values, and life-experiences. Sundays, 5-6:30pm, at RSNS unless otherwise noted: 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/26 (Holocaust VR experience), 3/2 (Hamentaschen baking at Georgia's!), 4/27 , 5/18 (Final event, off-site)

Jewish Life On Campus, 12th graders and their parents: In this special session, Rabbi Jodie and Cantor Eric will help prepare students  and their parents for the life that awaits them beyond RSNS. We will explore on-campus resources (Hillel, Jewish Social Action, etc), discuss how to navigate conflict & anti-semitism, and also learn about various approaches to Israel on campus - from BDS to J-Street to AIPAC and beyond! 7-9pm, Monday, 5/12

Teen Shabbat Band, grades 8-12: Do you play a musical instrument? Come join our Shabbat Band and play at monthly Family services or Shabbat Unplugged! No long-term commitment, play when you can! Email Cantor Eric ( for more info.


The One2One Project: Connect with an Israeli teen!
One2One is an opportunity for a select group of teens in Israel and around the world to connect with one another and have a series of real conversations about interesting topics. The program is once a week for 5 weeks. Each session is a 30-minute video call between the two teens. All content related to these sessions is provided and coordinated with RSNS and One2One, a program through The Jewish Peoplehood Alliance. Over 4,000 teens participated last year! (no charge). Dates: 11/7, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15. Spring Dates: 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6. Email Rebecca ( for more info.

Please select all programs you are registering for
Thu, December 26 2024 25 Kislev 5785